Life in all its fullness is what Jesus promises us and life in Emmanuel reflects this gift.
Life in all its fullness is what Jesus promises us and life in Emmanuel reflects this gift. Within Emmanuel we take the form of a family in which everyone is on a path to maturity drawing ever closer and more intimate with our Lord, savior and Father, Jesus.
As with any family all are welcome warts and all, it is friendly, welcoming, and accepting to all. It is our aim that everyone should feel at home and safe in the family.
But family is not just about this it is also about growing to maturity and fulfilling our potential so it is challenging. Through the various groups we build on those all important relationships on which everything is built, challenge each other to be transformed to the legitimate sons and daughters we were created to be and equipping each member of the family to find and fulfill their destiny in Jesus.
At the heart of all we do is relationship with each other and with Jesus.
John 15 “11I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete.”