Jesus builds his church, Jesus changes men’s hearts, Jesus convicts and challenges all of us.
Our Values reflect Jesus’ values. Love, Acceptance, Grace, Mercy.
Jesus builds his church, Jesus changes men’s hearts, Jesus convicts and challenges all of us. He breathed the breath of life into all of us and made us all in his image.
We believe that every human being has God’s image at his or her heart waiting, trying to flourish and grow to maturity. This Jesus brings about through the Gospel of salvation and the Gospel of the kingdom. Breaking the bonds of sin and death through the work of the Cross and transforming our hearts and minds through the gospel of the kingdom.
All this is the work of Jesus. It is our part to reflect the love, grace, mercy, life and joy, which we have received from Jesus, into the lives of all those we meet.
This we can only achieve by walking in intimate relationship with Jesus and working with him. This is the calling of all Christians.